Heilige Räder

A crystal skull skilled to be a medium
The crystal skull that belongs to our group of earth healers and researchers of the sacred wheels is called Marina and is a direct co-operator out of the 7. Ring of the sacred wheel. She communicated that she was a very ancient soul that is connected to this skull and  she was able to channel any other crystal skull for us. I found it funny that we being mediums need a medium out of crystal! But she had very good arguments why it was important for us to have a crystal in our hands to be able to link into the crystal world. What is special about Marina is, that she is able to deal with feelings. When there are a lot of feelings around her, her surface gets wet! Behind the crystal skull I can clearly see a very small woman with a very indigenous look, brown skin, long black hair, small fine limbs and looking ancient.
Many Indigo children feel very drawn to crystals and see them as friends as living beings!
The dreamers in the Navajo culture use crystals to get information from the dream realms, they sleep with a crystal on their belly button.
I have a very big tip of a crystal at home because I have a lot to do with new children. This crystal takes all the overflow of information from these children that my brain is not able to hold. A little boy of 5 months once looked deep into my eyes with the clear intention to pass his new agenda over to me. I felt that it was too much for me and that I would end up with a terrible headache! So I instructed the mother to sit him on the floor and placed my big crystal between his legs. The boy was all enthused about the crystal being and kissed it, gazed at it with joy, like he had met an old friend! I saw that the boy was thankful to be able to pass his programs to my external hard disk! This was a typical reaction of an indigo or crystal child!

  1. The temples of Light
    When the round table of the agents of the sacred wheels meet, Marina is a worthy member of the group and gives us signs when she wants to talk through us.
    Her second name is Amazonia which refers to the female master that is connected to the light temple of Zurich. Here the Energy is very high, that’s why we often go to Zurich and do our jobs of healing conflicts of this planet from there. The light temple of Hercules and Amazonia is carrying the qualities of power and protection and connects to 25 other temples with ley lines. So we have an easy way to travel. It is also cleaning the etheric realms of the city and I believe that the city would be much more polluted if it weren’t there.
    The Temple of Rowena in the valley of the Rhone is also part of this system of 26 temples of light that are interconnected around this planet.

The program of Hercules and Amazonia
This temple of light is clearing out your whole system and gives you a protection because your aura is discharging all particles that are under tension. You can carry this way of dealing with negativity within all your bodies, also in your mind. Instead of choosing the good from the bad you discharge good and bad. A new way of thinking can unfold with this programing.

The reptoid gods are gone
When we undertook the last healing on the spot of the origins (Aesch) of the sacred wheels on the 15. 6. 2013, a date that carries the 6 6 6 we felt very disrupted. Some people tried to convince others of their way to do things and the energy of the day seemed to be warlike: convince, conquer, submit, a.s.o. It took us a while to get ourselves together again and so everybody was walking the ceremony with his own tasks, his own intentions and his special skills.
I ended up on the altar of wisdom, the one that you, dear reader are visiting right now!
My intention was to go into the headquarters of the ones who still practice vampirism in all kinds of forms (blood ceremonies, abuse of women, human sacrifice, orgies and other rituals that are carried out by greedy and perverted beings). This topic is following me since I was a child and there are enough of nowadays testimonials, that this kind of abuse still is being practiced.
I used to link victims and perpetrators together and made clear, that they are dependent on each other in fact have the same problem. This is the first step to stop the game. But this time I didn’t come to see what I expected:
I travelled the ley line directly to Egypt and there I saw the end of a long era: all the reptoid beings, that lived in caves right under the surface of this planet were leaving! They got picked up by their fellows of their home planet in the sign of Orion. The pyramids of Giza are the portal to Orion that’s why they form the three stars of his belt.
I found myself above the pyramids looking at a long chain of reptoids who were walking a triple loop around the three pyramids before they reach the ship that brings them home. Arch angel Michael was there to bless and clear every being from what they did to mankind.
They are not allowed to stay here anymore, the game is over!
Many of these so called gods dropped into greed and became bloody. This doesn’t mean that they are all bad! Every nation has members who are not quite developed, who do mischief! Don’t judge a nation from the worst members of it.
I could intensely feel that some of these beings were regretful and ashamed. They thought that they were not allowed to go back to their realms!
My spirit guide from Orion informed me about that circumstance and that they are feeling like the lost sons in the bible, shame and regret connected to fear held them back!
Synchronically to this image the Agent 014 who carries the name Michael was singing an improvised song and held the power of the sound that heals all the wounds of abuse! I was very moved about this kind of grace and love. No one was angry, also the humans who had stopped this agenda were there, holding the power and being very clear about the end of the game!
They were asked forgiveness and they already have forgiven!
This scenery in Giza reminds me of the end of the movie called Avatar, the blockbuster that talks about the sacred wheels, the tree of life, the lifestyle to which we should return and of the principle under which the new children live: as avatars in the Maya game on planet earth.
Many new children know exactly from which star nation they are coming and what they are here for.

So have a look at blockbusters, they explain you what is going on right now!

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