Heilige Räder


Quantum flirts and Agents

During my Job as a researcher of the Sacred wheels I often make the experience, that people who are called to help developing the research, because they carry important skills or information, feel all of a sudden very attracted and can’t help contacting me! In most  cases we dream of each other synchronically.
Some of these people feel irritated because they do not understand that they are also living on another parallel plane, maybe even more then one! Others understand what is going on and interpret the call to the Tree of life the right way, those mostly are clairvoyant.
In this flirt kind of way a group of agents gathered for a new task since 2011. I call them the agents of the Sirian realms because they turned out to be specialized on the different topics that are held by the concentric rings that surround the Tree of life. Before in previous times, the actors in this research always carried knowledge of compassion or the colour rays or were bearer of titanic wisdom.
This new group now seems to be called to make processes of harmonization and to unlock hidden sources of power in ancient sites.
World widely this group belongs to the people who are dreaming the fulfilment of the liberation of mankind from a ruling elite and waking people into self-responsibility. We do healing to people in the government or religious rulers to help them realize where they are caught!
These Agents are called to their job by signs of synchronicity and all of a sudden find resources of wisdom through acting as harmonizers.
Since February 2011 we regularly work on the Systems of Oppression and upon the games between perpetrators and victims on all stages of mankind. I always wonder how selfless all the ones who feel called are involved without asking anything.

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