Heilige Räder

In the west south west:  Power

With this spoke carrying the quality of power you will be able to generate the power for all you do and all you are.
You get more and more connected to the center of physical, energetic, emotional and willpower within your body called Hara or sexual chakra. You are able to regain lost powers since you have worked with the quality of Grace and are able to forgive yourself and others for any missuse of power.
You get the chance to delete all livetimes in your past where you abused of your strength. Since you are familiar with the program of the singing crystal skull your Hara center in the body is communicating with your heart, there's no risk anymore.
You may also travel into a future life of yourself, where you did an absolute compassionate job with your power and look at it like a movie, this might inspire you for the use of your power.
This altar is the engine and fuel for travelling through time and space. Together with the spoke of Destination it forms the new grid of magnetic freeways all around the planet.

Colour ray
Green of moss: Cassandra, Hildegard von Bingen

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