Heilige Räder


Vortexes are intelligent beings from other realms.  They are able to express themselves in our material world. They are able to bring chaos and reconfiguring at the same time. They help to centre energies by twirling and winding them with spin. The vortex is found in all kinds of realms of the universe, it is one of the basic bricks that builds creation.
Where old structures need to be renewed, the Vortex is a common appearance. Mankind lives with fear and fascination concerning the spiralling forces. It can be a storm that destroys our constructions or the power that keeps out planet in upright and centred position.
Spirals and helixes function like a body for the Rael and are an invitation to be there. So we can harmonize our homes by hanging some spirals of wire in the energetically disturbed places. What harmonizes is the being that feels invited by the geometric form of the helix or spiral. the most harmonious spiral is the one of  Fibonacci.

Our work with the Rael
The Agents of the Sacred Wheels often use the intelligent vortexes to harmonize headquarters of distorted energies and abuse of powers. Harmonized locations have a positive effect upon the brains of the people there. The vortex is reconfiguring distorted brain patterns back into natural harmony. We do not need to tell the Rael what to do, they are self organized intelligent beings. Like angels they love to be called and invited to help us back into natural and universal order.
When I travelled to Rome I did a harmonization to Cinecitta, the Italian film industry that was abused by Mussolini for his political Propaganda. When I was there the clouds above the site formed a spiral , which gave me the syncronical confirmation of the harmonization.

Origins and now
Clairvoyant people can see the energetic vortexes that are holding the power of special places or crossings of meridians.  When I do workshops I often use the intelligence of these beings to clear out our different bodies of reception. Our astronomers take pictures of huge spirals forming our galaxies.
The spiral is  one of the symbols that are manifesting creation. Every child when it starts drawing feels the urge to draw spirals. this form is one of the basic forms of creation. Raels are able to bend energies into form and material.
In Damanhur, people are investigating about this very interesting research called Selfica, that is concerning these beings. To harmonize their buildings and temples they put windings of wire into the concrete. The usefulness of this intelligent force is so large and the aim is always transformation and harmony.

Where they come from
Years ago my Sirian teacher called Seel talked about the realm of the RAEL which is the 12. of the Sirian worlds. The syllable RA means charity or in Syrian "form giving power", the syllable of EL refers to the galactic word for God. That is why RAEL means form giving power of god.
In the winter of 2011 My guide gave me the  job to travel to other star nations to gather interesting and useful inspirations for the era of change of our planet. With 011 one of the agents I found a guide for intergalactic travelling with a lot of experience. He brought me to very interesting cultures and seemed to know a lot about them. By this way we gathered many programs for the new era of planet earth and installed them in the akasha chronicles of the Trees of Life.
On one of these dream journeys we ended up in the realm of some Rael beings. We got the idea and input to use them for the next task concerning the reactivation and spreading of the sacred wheel and above all for harmonisations of distorted forces.
Very soon after this, a young lady connected with our group by "Quantum Flirt" or so called syncronicity. She seemed to be an expert on this field of vortexes and spiralling energies. That is how we started to use Rael consciousness within our work.
Another Synchronicity was the fact that a man who does harmonisations of houses connected with the website portal that I once founded. I saw that the intelligence he uses to inform electric implants and the water system of houses were Rael. He was able to explain a lot about the technical side of it.
The Raels of the sacred wheel are all carrying the vibrational quality of a colour ray. A very known one is the vortex that Saint Germain is working with: the purple flame.
Very powerful for the new era are the golden and the silver vortex.
As many of you might know, the chakras that form our energetic system of the light body are also spiralling energies that carry different colours and abilities.
As we can see RAELs are everywhere, in the micro and the macro cosmos.

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